Keystone Technology
JMRI software
MRRM software
Digital Command Control hardware and embedded software from Digitrax, Team Digital, RR CirKits,
Block Occupancy
Other Electronic and electromechanical products
The Reading and Chesapeake Keystone Divisions comprises three rooms:
We run a minimum of two JMRI computers for operations:
1. Loconet Server, the Track Status display for crews in the main Train Room and another status display for the Yardmasters in the West and East staging yards room
2. Dispatcher System Client for the Dispatcher and Real Time Status display for crews waiting in the Crew Lounge room
The Dispatcher System is virtually connected to the Loconet via WiFi LAN through the Loconet Server which is directly connected to the Loconet. The Loconet Server use the LoconetOverTcpLbServer feature in JMRI. This client/server feature is extensible to other clients via the WiFi wireless LAN and may eventually support remote clients via the Internet. Crew members may bring their laptops with JMRI installed to observe the real time status if desired.
We currently use Digitrax and Powerline control interfaces to JMRI as indicated in the JMRI PanelPro Server screen below:
For this snapshot we show the Loconet Locobuffer II Interface. For X10 Powerline we use a CM11, Insteon 2412S, or CP290 interface device.
For the Dispatcher Client we use the JMRI Panel Pro configuration shown below.
Upon start-up, we run several scripts to properly set the state of all devices and logical objects used by JMRI. First we declare and initialize the state of each physical and virtual (Internal) sensor used. We also set up a number of control buttons described later. Next we load our Configuration File. This file declares the many logical objects used by our layout under JMRI:
Lastly, the configuration file contains three Layout Panel specifications for the two Dispatcher screens and the Real-Time Status Display. These specifications are automatically created in the process of making a Layout Editor panel within the JMRI PanelPro program.
The control buttons we create are summarized here
We are gradually adding networking to our configuration. The first major networking added LoconetOverTcp between the TrainRoom Server and the Dispatcher client. We have also tested this Server/Client method between the TrainRoom Server and a Client that provides a RealTime status display in the Crew Lounge. The key is syncing sensor, turnout and signal status in each JMRI copy running concurrently.
In our first layout, we installed sensor, turnout, signal and reporter listeners in some custom JMRI java additions plus some web servlet interface technology. These listeners queued layout changes and timestamps within my JMRI code additions. My servlets were invoked every 250 milliseconds by my MRRM software to pull these layout changes from the queue in JMRI into my relational datbase. This database then refreshed my custom panels and supported commanding the layout turnout and signal changes from these clients.
We now are using multiple copies of JMRI, each with its own XML store, as opposed to a centralized relational database. Loconet busses are relatively slow so there is concern how far we can push this change in architecture. Hence minimizing Loconet traffic when syncing up another client bears scrutiny.
We have also tested the WiThrottle Server and the WiThrottle-Lite app in my iPhone - works fine! We have not stress tested it with other concurrent clients yet..
Dynamically displays the current status of all track occupancy, turnout state, signal head aspect and transponder output.
To allow the dispatcher to follow all trains, the current status is displayed on a 'flat' point-to-point track diagram. Controls are installed to allow the Dispatcher to manage all turnout states and signal aspects thereby specifying permitted traffic flows for the entire layout.
We use our MRRM software to manage the large inventory of components comprising the railroad and to support operations on the Keystone Division.
Railroad work is created by the MRRM clock-based simulator of the industries using the railroad. The specification for the simulator are created and stored in a database.
The following selected Inventory data sets have been declared at this time for the R&C Keystone Division:
Inventory related objects derived from the Inventory declarations
We use a Digitrax DCS100 Command System as our DCC master device. A Digitrax
PM4 divides our layout into four power districts and reduces disruptions in one
area of the layout from incapacitating other areas of the layout. We expect to
add a 5th district for our Erie Yard (West Staging) and Pottsville Yard (East
Staging) area later this year. We will use
a Digitrax DB150 or DB100 device to power this section.
We use Digitrax radio throttles. Most are DT400 devices. We recently
added duplex radio capability to the layout and currently have three DT402
A Fast Clock has been installed. We have not begun to have 'real'
operating sessions yet so we have some new experiences coming. Most of our large locomotive collection has had decoders installed in
them. Almost half of these locos have a Digitrax transponder enabled decoder option installed.
Commands locomotive decoders via the Track Buss in most of the train room and supports various devices on the Loconet bus.
Slave station that commands locomotive decoders via the Track Buss in the two staging yards and a limited part of the layout room
Four Power Districts from the Commend Station's Booster: Left, Center, Wye, Right sections of layout. A separate Booster is planned for Eire yard
Five Circuit Boards; capacities 40 occupancy sensors, 40 turnouts, 40 SPST switches; 160 signal post and 320 signal heads
Three Circuit Boards; capacities 48 occupancy sensors, 24 transponder readers
WYE Reversing Trackage
Philadelphia Reverse Loop Trackage
West Staging Reverse Loop Trackage
Turntable support - tbd
Controls several Peco/Tortoise and Kato Turnouts
Controls 8 Tortoise Turnouts per circuit board; two boards
Controls 8 Kato Turnouts per circuit board; two boards
Links Radio Throttles to Command Station
Container Siding doubles as the programming track via DPDT switch.
Operations Scheduling
About 80 Block Occupancy Sensors (BODs) have been installed. Each BOD creates a track-turnout segment that will become active when a train is present in that segment. Currently we can detect the presence of a locomotive and certain cars - typically illuminated passenger cars or cars with resisters on metal wheel axles.
We expect to install insulated metal axles to many of our cars. A 10K Ohm surface mount resister will be cemented to each axle and a conductive pen will complete the circuit across the metal axle. With these modified axles our occupancy detectors will detect the presence of such cars.
In 2015 we installed metal wheels and axles on all 'in-service' cars and have added resisters to one axle of each caboose used. We used axles from Fox Valley.
All active/inactive state changes of each BOD are reported to JMRI listener software. The BOD change events are used by the signal logic to trigger aspect changes. These change events also modify the track-turnout segment 'color' on the Dispatcher and Real-Time Status displays. An occupied or 'active' segment is Red; an unoccupied or 'inactive' segment is Blue. Additionally, MRRM sensor listeners that we install into JMRI will queue these occupancy events to the MRRM server. MRRM will poll this queue about every 250 milliseconds to update our monitoring system.
Each Se8c supports 8 BODs via two remote Digitrax BD4 circuit boards. We installed remote RR-CirKit boards to Se8C ports to provide BODs in special cases such Reverse Loop/Wye track segments. The five Se8c circuit boards support a total of 40 BODs. We also have 3 Digitrax BDL168 circuit boards installed. Each of these circuit boards support 16 BODs or a total of 48 BODs.
To see some photos of the block occupancy wiring construction click here.
We now have over one hundred turnouts on the layout and we have installed computer control for more than 60 turnouts. Most of these are Peco turnouts using a Tortoise slow motion machine driven by a one of 8 ports on one of our 5 Digitrax Se8c circuit boards or 12 dual port Digitrax DS52 circuit boards. Another eight of our Tortoises are driven by a Team Digital SRC8 circuit board. We also have six Kato turnouts with built-in switching machines driven by Digitrax DS51K1 circuits. We also have one Kato double crossover driven by a Digitrax DS52 circuit board. All turnouts are controllable from the JMRI software or from Digitrax throttles. Our JMRI Dispatcher panels can command these turnouts. There are no fascii panel switches at this time. However, the needed supporting control electronics are preinstalled for 40 such future fascia switches (from 5 Se8C circuit boards).
Erie Yard uses Kato track and turnouts. Automation is under construction.
Pottsville yard is mostly Peco turnouts with some tortoises now installed. Awaiting new DCC controlled turntable product. Automation is under construction.
MRRM can also command these turnouts using our Web Services interface to JMRI. Additionally, MRRM turnout listeners that we install into JMRI will queue turnout change events to the MRRM server. MRRM will poll this queue about every 250 milliseconds to update our system.
To improve electrical continuity on mainline turnouts, we have powered the frogs on Peco turnouts using the SPST switches built into the tortoises. Note: The Peco turnout springs DO have to be removed from the Peco turnouts to avoid shorts due to turnout movement becoming out of sync, however briefly, with Tortoise movement and SPST switch closure. The time and motion associated with the turnout and tortoise is very important to avoiding shorts.
For the remaining tortoise driven turnouts, we still rely soley on the pressure that the tortoise exerts on the points. Eventually all frogs will likely need to be powered for reliable operations. The Kato turnouts rely on Kato's design for reliable electrical continuity.
To see some photos of the turnout wiring construction click here.
We currentlky have installed 138 three light signal heads on the layout (404 LEDs). At this
time, all signals are based on Digitrax SMBK head over head posts which are a
good size for our N scale railroad.
We are still looking for a good dress-up kit for these Digitrax signal posts. We are looking into a RepRap machine to design a dress-up kit. Any ideas from readers would be welcomed.
To dress up the Digitrax signal heads, we
created our first 3D printing project in 2014.
We settled on two styles for the masts: two groups of three hooded single lamps and two groups of one surrounded triple lamps. They are shown here:
The number placard on the mast identifies the DCC address of the first of four sequential addresses that control the aspects.
All signals are driven by Digitrax Se8C circuit boards. Each board drives 4
heads via each of eight ribbon cable or 32 heads per circuit board. We have
Se8c circuit boards installed supporting our signals at this time. All signal heads are
driven by JMRI software. Each signal is programmed using 'simple signalling
rules' and Logix installed into JMRI.. Each signal head is controlled by a pair of 'turnout' addresses. One
must plan the turnout number address space carefully in conjunction with the constraints
imposed by the various circuit boards.Here are my
accessory address range standards and
sensor addess standards for my Digitrrax controlled layout.
MRRM can also command these signals using our Web Services interface. Additionally, MRRM signal listeners that we install into JMRI will queue signal change events to the MRRM server. MRRM will poll this queue about every 250 milliseconds to update our system.
To see some photos of the signal wiring construction click here.
See the next video for a cascading signal test of the operating signaling system with the shrouds and placards installed on the signal masts.
A Transponder is a device implemented as a Digitrax proprietary extension to
the NMRA DCC specification. Locomotives with certain Digitrax decoders have the
capability to transmit their 'Address' to a Digitrax 'Reader' or
tranponder installed on a given
track-turnout block segment. These addresses are forwarded to JMRI listener software.
The address is shown on the JMRI based Dispatcher and Real-Time Status displays
we have built with JMRI PanelPro. When, say, loco #3424 enters a transponder section, the message
displayed is "3424 enter" .When that loco leaves the segment, it displays "3424
MRRM tranponder listeners that we install into JMRI will queue decoder address enter and exit events to the MRRM server. MRRM will poll this queue about every 250 milliseconds to update our system. The decoder's address and state values are forwarded to the MRRM software to link the locomotive to an active manifest and set of waybills. Thus we know where the train is going to next and what cars are currently on the train - among other things.
Each BDL168 can support a pair of quad segment transponders. These four port circuits are known as Digitrax RX4 devices. Each of the eight RX devices supports one track-turnout segment whose BOD is also supported by the BDL168 circuit board. The RX sends a signal on the track segment during the quiescient period between DCC packets. If a transponder equipped loco decoder senses the RX signal it 'transponds' its address back to the RX and thus to the BDL168 and thus to the JMRI listener on the Loconet bus.
We currently support 20 transponders and 8 to 12 more are under development. Most are assigned to key mainline or bypass track-turnout segments.
To see some photos of the transponder wiring construction click here.
Under construction!
We have experimented with the two tools built into JMRI for automated control as well as the JMRI Robothrottle scripts with mixed results. We are currently building a script generator into MRRM to create automated train scripts. This script builder will replace the one we built into the pre-2005 version of MRRM. We expect to control these scripts via a custom layout panel that is under development.
We have created an automated train scripting tool based on the sensors, signals, turnouts, speed limits etceteras. Since they obey "the rules", we can have human engineers and robot engineers on the railroad at the same time. Check the Robot Trains page for examples.
We have installed 10 Miller Electronics electroluminescent billboards. We also installed 8 ITCC sound generating devices throughout the layout. Two operating oil pumps are installed. A flashing sequence lighted radio tower is installed. A Windmill is installed - we saw many of these during a recent trip on the Appalachian Mountains. A Faller Mine was built but operation is balky. Many more lights and animated devices are planned.