Prototypical Train Operations simulated on your railroad using powerful, automated tools.
- Buyers order and Sellers ship per specifications based on Greenwich Mean Time
- Add or remove Industries at any time; simulate strikes, work outages
- Add rolling stock anytime; remove from Operations for Bad Order, PM, collection preservation
- Full loads and empties are routed between yards; even across interchanges or off your layout
- Railroads deliver via combinations of local, way and manifest/fast freight trains. Semi-automatically prepare and reuse, passenger and unit trains for your full service railroad.
- Run trains offline with paper switchlists or online with computer screen switchlists and Dispatcher support.
- Calculator screen helps you to balance industry traffic between multiple buyers and sellers of each commodity bought or sold by industries on your railroad or off your railroad that you 'do busines with'.
- Track shipments from Shipper to Consignee involving many trains (route legs). For example,
Empties (MTs) to Shipper, Full cars from Shipper to Home Yard, Shipper Home Yard to Consignee Home Yard, Full cars from Consignee Home Yard to Consignee, MTs from Consignee to their Home Yards via multiple route legs.
- Monitor each yard's local trains workload; Roundhouse Foreman, Hostlers and Yardmaster work contributions
- Monitor intra-division way trains workload; keep traffic flowing on each of your Divisions.
- Monitor inter-division manifest/fast trains workload; adjust Power assignments to today's manifest workload
- Step each train through its schedule before departure. Power Manager(s) can observe suitability of horsepower to weight and grade. Adjust as necessary.
- Determine the number and timelines of the trains needed to satisfy Industry railroad demands; popup calculators suggest what type of train and when you should run it based on the instant workload defined for your railroad .