Kato CSX Bethgon Coalporter 8 Car Set
CSX is a leading supplier of rail-based freight transportation in the eastern United States, providing services to a diverse customer base, including energy, industrial, construction, agricultural, and consumer products. The company operates approximately 21,000 route miles of track across 23 states, the District of Columbia, and the Canadian provinces of Ontario and Quebec.
BethGon Coalporters are a type of coal-carrying railcar designed to transport coal efficiently and safely. They are double-tub, low-maintenance, and smooth-riding cars that have been in use since 1982. These cars have a distinct design, with a tub-like structure that allows for the efficient loading and unloading of coal.
Kato 1064602 is a model of the BethGon Coalporter car, specifically designed for use in N scale model railroad layouts. This model is a highly detailed replica of the real-life car, featuring a removable coal load, allowing modelers to run the car in both loaded and unloaded configurations.
The asking price is $200.00 plus shipping.
Four of the cars have Micro-Train trucks and couplers, Fox Valley metal wheels, and have weights added to comply with NMRA standards. Lightly used and canalternatively be provided with Kato trucks, wheels and coulplers if requested. Price asked is unchanged if these changes are requested.
There is a short video demonstration run of these cars here: CSX BethGon Coalporters in mp4 format