Purpose | Screen Images | Data Description | Function Descriptions | How to Use
For each Class of Train and Day, you may define an arbitrary number of Scheduled or Extra trains which may be run if a valid manifest for the train can be created. These records are mandatory to create a manifest and run a train with MRRM.
This figure shows some of the trains defined for this railroad. The 'Morning Sunrise' train # 4 is a schedule class 1 passenger train that travels from the Harrisburg Interchange to the Baltimore Interchange. The lower left pane shows the station stops that train will make between its starting point and ending point.
The next image displays a sample train record.
Train Master Record
Class Priority - select the class from the drop-down list of valid classes
Train # - unique train number; train numbers range from 1 to 999 and are further restricted by the class ranges defined on the prior tabpage.
Train Name - a long name for the train
Scheduled or Extra - pick one of these for each train. Scheduled trains runs every day. Extra trains run when required.
Origin - yard or interchange where train originates; use drop-down list
Destination - yard or interchange where the train terminates; use drop-down list
Starting Time - hour and minute of the day
Train Direction - may be Eastbound or Westbound
Consist ID - the consist assigned to these train by the Roundhouse Foreman; use drop-down list
Maximum Car Waybills - limits the number of cars picked up and set out by this train
Caboose - rolling stock identity of caboose to be used with this train; use drop-down list
Lock Train = 'Y' if the train is to be locked. This is generally true for regular Passenger and Unit trains. Locked trains do not unassign their rolling stock for use on other trains as the end of their run. Fast, way and local trains would not be locked.
Train Run - the name of the train run defining the turnout sequence for this train; use droop-down list (Advanced Edition feature)
The lower left pane is used differently for various classes of train.
Class 1 Passenger trains - start the list of stops start with the originating yard or interchange, followed by the stations visited and ending with the destination yard or interchange
Class 2 Fast Freights - list the sequence of yards and interchanges to be visited starting with the origin and ending with the destination.
Class 3 Way Freights - have no entries in the lower left pane
Class 4 Local Freights - start with the home yard, followed by the citytowns where the industries to be serviced are located and ending with the same home yard.
Class Unit Freights - originating yard or interchange, shippers stop, consignees stop, then terminating yard or interchange. In the right hand pane specify the lading and AAR car codes used by the unit train.
For each yard, create a local that can visit all industries served by that yard. If you have two or more yards in a divisions, create way trains to move cars between pairs of yards. Create fast freights that together visit all interchanges and yards on your layout. Initially run your Industry activities and use the manifest builder tabpage tools to decide when to run the trains.