Purpose | Screen Images | Data Description | Function Descriptions | How to Use
MRRM currently supports several classes of trains. These classes are: 1st or Passenger Class, 2nd or Fast Freight Class, 3rd or Way Freight Class, 4th or Local Freight Class, and Unit Class trains.
Train numbers range from 1 to 999. Each class is assigned a unique subrange of numbers within this range.
This figure shows the train classes used on my railroad.
Class ID - These IDs must be used as shown for the current version of MRRM
Start Train # - the lowermost number in the class range
End Train # - the uppermost number in the train class
Local - 'Y' if the train is local to a division. Currently, Local Class and Way Class trains must be local to their home division. That is, local trains do not leave their Division boundaries
Specify permitted train number ranges for each class of train supported by MRRM