Purpose | Screen Images | Data Description | Function Descriptions | How to Use
Each train has a number and a Consist ID. The Consist starts as one or more locomotives that will power the train. The Roundhouse Foreman assigns the locomotive power for each Consist. If the Consist will have more than one locomotive, the lead locomotive is identified and the slave locomotives are identified and Mu'd to the lead locomotive. When the manifest is prepared, the Roundhouse Foreman can review the route, road conditions, and train weight to determine if a change in motive power for the train Consist is appropriate.
This figure lists some of the consists that can be assigned to any of the trains. In this case Consist "American Flyer 2' comprises a lead locomotive and three slave locomotives.
Consist ID - identifies the motive power assigned to a train; up to 20 characters
Consist Name - long name for the Consists
Lead Loco ID - rolling stock identity for the lead locomotive of the consist
Slave Locomotives / Loco ID - list of rolling stock identities slaved to the lead loco of the consist
Roundhouse Foreman knows the typical workload for the regular trains. These consists are created with certain train numbers and their typical workloads in advance of the instant manifest creation. When the manifest is created, the Roundhouse Foreman can adjust the power of the consist as required.