Purpose | Screen Images | Data Description | Function Descriptions | How to Use
A track segment is simply a length of track that you need to name for train location, block specification, industry sidings, yard trackage, or other specification needs. Tracks classes supported are: Main Line, Branch Line, Industrial Siding, Yard Siding, Bypass Siding, and Interchange Track.
This figure shows a sample of the many track segments comprising your railroad
The next figure shows a single siding form.
Track or Siding ID - a unique ID for a segment of track; may be up to 20 characters
Track Name - a long name for the track segment
Actual Model Length - the length of the track segment in inches ( up to 9,999.99)
Prototype Length - automatically calculated for you based on your scale setting.
Citytown ID - primary Citytown where the track segment is located/terminated
Rail Segment Class - select from a drop down list: Main Line, Branch Line, Industrial Siding, Yard Siding, Bypass Siding, or Interchange Track. MRRM ignores Staging Track.
Operational Status - select Operational or Out-of-Service
Maximum Grade - up to 5.9%; optional
Maximum Speed - optional in this version
Restricted Speed - optional in this version
Track # - used for Track Joiner specifications
The "Create Default Siding Stop Point" creates a stop record on this track. You may change the default name after creating the stop if desired.
Siding records are required for industry, station, yard and interchange track usage. Other track types are optional.