Purpose | Screen Images | Data Description | Function Descriptions | How to Use
A Citytown is a city or town that demarks an area on or off your layout. A Citytown is always located within one and only one Division.
Citytown ID - a unique name up to 20 characters (required)
Citytown Code - a prefix of up to 6 characters to facilitate your naming conventions (optional)
Division ID - the primary Division serving this Citytown (required)
Home Yard Stop - the identifying Stop for the single yard that serves the Industries in this Citytown.
The "Create Citytown Signage" button creates labels for your Citytown billboards or placards
You can also create a web page about each Citytown for your own site.
Railroad traffic schedules involve stops in Citytowns. The more towns the merrier. Be sure to include the towns where foreign yards or interchanges are located to support MLO. There are tools in the MLO tabpages to facilitate this data installation.