Purpose | Screen Images | Data Description | Function Descriptions | How to Use
MRRM uses the same decoder manufacturer family names as those used by JMRI. As new families and family members are introduced and supported, you can update the tables in MRRM.
Each decoder family can have up to 150 Configuration Variables (CVs). The labels of each CV can be customized to manufacturer standards. The NMRA only fixes a few of the CV definitions and commonly used names/labels.
A sample of the decoder family names is shown in this figure
A typical set of labels for a decoder family is partially shown in this figure
Decoder Label Set ID - 'family' name for a manufacturer's set of similarly capable decoders; follows JMRI conventions.
CVnn - label for a specific configuration variable in this decoder label set; note that certain CVs are NMRA specified, some are manufacturer named, some are reserved
no functions defined
These CV labels preface the CV values for the respective CV of a specific manufacturer decoder