Purpose | Screen Images | Data Description | Function Descriptions | How to Use
For each locomotive in your inventory, you can manage a primary decoder
This figure list the locomotives in your inventory and the current decoder assignments
The next table shows a list of the basic decoder CVs for your inventory
This figure shows the CVs for a single locomotive together with its custom set of labels
Loco ID - Rolling Stock Inventory identifier for this loco with a decoder
Decoder Model - manufacturer model for the decoder instaled in the loco
Decoder Family - family name assigned to this manufacturer model by JMRI
DCC Data ID - Identifier of the CV data record for this decoder
DCC Label ID - Identifier of the labels for the above CVs
Short - Short address for this loco
Long H - upper byte of long address for this decoder, if any
Addr4 - dour digit address for this loco, if any
Long L - lower byte of long address for this decoder, if any
Consist - CV019 in decoder memory
Config - CV029 in decoder memory; setting for using long address, using speed table, Auto conversion DC/DCC, 28/128 speed steps,reverse relative direction
Mfgr ID - CV007 in decoder memory
Version # - CV008 in decoder memory
The buttons shown on the next figure allow you to export your decoder datasets to the Decoder Pro program by JMRI. It exports one XML file per locomotive with a decoder plus it can create the roster needed by Decoder Pro to manage the decoders. After you tune the decoders with Decoder Pro you can load the datasets back into MRRM.
Update Roster from Inventory - scans your inventory for locomotives that are not in the DCC tables and adds them if they are not already there
Create DCC Data Entry - Create a record for a loco without a DCC data record.
Export Loco Roster XML - create a JMRI compatible Roster file and put it in the designated folder
Export Loco XML to File - create a JMRI compatible Decoder file and put it in the designated folder
Export All Loco XML to file - create JMRI compatible Decoder files for each loco with a decoder
Select Input File Folder - specify the directory from which to import JMRI XML decoder info; normally the JMRI 'Roster' directory
Import Loco XML from File - select the decoder file and import it into an MRRM record
Locomotive Decoder Valuation - show the valuation of your decoder assets
Export Speed Table to Excel 5 - export the 28 step speed table to a MS Excel version 5 compatible file for further analysis.
The following controls allow you to quickly set commonly used values and to view the value of a CV in hexadecimal or bit by bit form, The normally shown data per CV is in decimal.
Copy selected Loco data from - Select the source loco for the data to be copied to the current loco in the main pane.
Copy NMRA - copy the NMRA CVs from the selected loco to the current loco except for address, manufacturer data and speed table data
Copy Mfgr - copy the manufacturer CVs except decoder version from the selected loco to the current loco
Copy Speed Table - copy the speed table CVs from the selected loco to the current loco
Locos with Transponding Filter - only show your locos having an active transponder
Locos with BEMF Filter - only show your locos having BEMF capability
Change 4 digit Address - enter the address and store it in the upper and lower CV cells
Use long address - set CV29 for long address mode
Use Speed Table - set CV29
Auto conversion DC/DCC - set CV29
Use 28/128 Speed Stops - set CV29
Reverse relative directions - set CV29
Hex Value - of the currently selected CV item
Bits - 8 bits of the currently selected CV item
Use to document and manage your loco decoder information